14 November, 2014

What Your Business Name Says About You (An Unscientific Guide)

  • Plumbing & Maintenance Services: "We don't have any imagination, understanding of branding, or time to spend worrying about acronyms..."
  • Bob's Plumbing: "I'm either a friendly local owner-operator, or a multi-national franchise masquerading as one".
  • Freedman, Loorie, Sing, D'Angalo, Longe & Wynded: "We should have thought of a better naming system before taking on new partners".
  • A Cut Above Hair Salon: "We like puns, but we think the jury is still out on originality".
  • Subiaco Plumbing: "If  our business grows, we're either going to limit ourselves or find ourselves increasingly inaccurately named".
  • DynaForce Phantom Shield Excelsior Industries: "We've spent a lot more time thinking about our business name than our business model". 
  • MPMC AmChinCo.: "We're such a massive profit-making conglomerate that it doesn't really matter what our name is anymore". 

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