18 April, 2008

Radio killed the marriage star

One of the questionable benefits of listening to ABC in the morning is the old music they often drag out of the archives to play on a the old turn-table they managed to get working (well maybe I'm exaggerating here). Today they played a song I'd never heard of by an Australian band I'd never heard of. It was Tom Tom Turnaround, sung by New World (but apparently sung first by The Sweet) . You can find the lyrics here:

It's a song about a strong man and the sweet young girl that he took for his bride. It then looks at the struggles they face when Tom Tom is called away but his wife says stay (though he never had to leave before). It's quite touching and left me with a new sense of appreciation of my lovely wife.

But what really struck me was how unusual the song was nowadays. Think about it - when was the last time you heard a song on the radio about a husband and wife? Never? They're all about boyfriends and girlfriends and breaking up with said 'friend. As a married person I really appreciated hearing a song about married people. Could someone please write some more like this?