21 July, 2008

My sense of humour

I've just discovered this webcomic, called xkcd. I think it's very very close to any kind of comic I would try and write, given my sense of humour. So rather than write my own, I'll just read this one a lot. You might like it too.


Libby said...

Hey Pete - great to see the Kastle running hot again! See you guys soon.

David Entwistle said...

Hey Pete, was good to catch up with you the other week, and good to see regular action on the blog, too! It was because of your remarks that I have also got back into it.

Isn't XKCD great? Some of the boys in my yr 12 English class introduced it to me, and very successfully managed to distract me from my lesson. Well worth it, though.

I'm not sure you're on my blogroll, so I'll check and add you if you're not.