07 August, 2013

On Becoming Captain Barnacles

"Octonauts, to the launch bay!"
If you're a parent with young children, chances are that you've seen or at least heard of the Octonauts. For those that haven't, it's a children's TV show that's pretty much a cross between Sea Quest DSV and Roger Ramjet (now I'm showing my age).

And as all Octonauts fans will know, Captain Barnacles is biggest, strongest, and coolest of them all. He's pretty much the Chuck Norris of the entire marine-biology-adventure-children's-TV-show scene (It's not a big scene, but still). This may be unrealistic, but I hope to one day be as awesome and in-control as Captain Barnacles.

So when my eldest son decided that he wanted a Octonauts-theme for his 5th birthday, I saw my opportunity. An opportunity to totally excite him, plus indulge my inner, middle and outer nerd and make a costume. A chance to rescue two sea creatures with the one GUP. Seeing as the last time I made a costume was for the midnight preview of Star Wars Episode 2, it's been a while. (The reason why my future wife saw me in this costume and later still agreed to marry me is still up for debate. The "awe" camp has been making ground lately against the "pity" camp. But I digress).

"Octonauts, let's do this!"
Being a father of 3 and consequently lacking in the free time department, I immediately jumped on the internet and typed in "adult Captain Barnacles costume". Much to my dismay, the internet failed me terribly here and the only ready-made costumes available were child-sized. Not to be put-off by this apparent message from the universe that what I was planning was a tiny bit daft, I resolved to make my own. I'll keep this blog updated with photos and tips for anyone who might like to follow in my slightly erratic footsteps.

My wife has been helping by priming my son: "Do you think Captain Barnacles will come to your party?". Being almost 5, he responded with "No mum, they're not real". But you could just hear the slightest hint of doubt and hope in his voice.

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